The Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) is a member of the Helmholtz Association (HGF) and funded by federal and state government. AWI focuses on polar and marine research in a variety of disciplines such as biology, oceanography, geology, geochemistry and geophysics thus allowing multidisciplinary approaches to scientific goals.

Master thesis: Online measurements of dissolved methane in the Elbe Estuary and southern North Sea

Methane and carbon dioxide are prominent greenhouse gases. However, the contribution of natural methane sources to the global methane increase is not clear yet. Also, the role of estuaries as source or sink of greenhouse gases has to be verified. In case of extreme hydrological events (river flood or draught) the riverine import of these gases into the marine system is unclear. In our working groups, we address the distribution of methane in the Elbe and Weser Estuary and the North Sea.

In this master thesis, a new sensor system to measure online methane should be deployed at several short time cruises with our research vessel. In addition, these data shall be compared with data from previous years.


Further Information
The place of employment will be on Helgoland, accommodation can be provided..

Work time: Full-time

Start: From 1 June and until at least 31 October.

You are interested?
Then please send us your application with Cover letter and CV (with all documents merged into one PDF file) by e-mail to: Dr. Ingeborg Bussmann,